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Meadowbrook Park Estates Homeowners Association Website

About Your Association

Meadowbrook Park Estates Homeowners Association (MPE HOA) was established in 1997 over a multi-year phased in project.  MPE HOA is a planned community consisting of 59 homes. The purpose of the Association is to maintain property value.  The aim is for a benevolent, enviromentally friendly, and thriving community. To that end, the owners have collaberated to establish governing documents and contribute funds for its operations--as outlined in the documents.  A volunteer Board of Directors governs this Association of neighbors. 

Association and Board meeting calendar dates and events.

Governing Documents
Owners please review, save, or print these 2024 governing documents

Maintenance Responsibilities - Quick Read
If there are questions about irrigation, landscaping, backyards, or architectural & landscape changes, please refer to this Quick Read

Dues & Common Expenses
The dues are an established fee to fund operations, reserve capital improvements, and contingencies.  These funds are utilized as an agreed upon common expense for the Assocaition.

Contact Us
The "contact us" feature is managed by a volunteer, and replies may be a week or so.  If you have a 1) general question, 2) requesting architectural or yard changes, or 3) need realtor info, contact us.  If your question is specific, please first refer to the HOA governing documents.  If you have suggestions or proposed amendments to the governing documents or contracts, please bring those to the annual owner's meeting usually held each February.

Association Information
Click here for a map of our neighborhood.
Click here to view the Welcome Packet & Web Registration
Click here to view current Board Members

Website Registration
Both homeowners and tenants are eligible to sign up and use this website. Click here to register. (note: This link only works if you are not logged in).

You will need ADOBE© READER to view/download/print files on this website. Click here to download the latest version.

Homeowners with Tenants
Tenants are associate members of our HOA and, as such, should be included in HOA happenings. Homeowners with tenants, please keep the Board of Directors notified of your current tenants or any changes in tenants. Click here for details on advising the Board.

City Of Ashland
City of Ashland
Ashland Chamber of Commerce

City of Ashland's Evacuation Plan Website
Sign up here for local Nixle Public Safety Alerts
Sign up here for Oregon Alert System
Track wildfires through Watch Duty
Track Ashland Air Quality


 Notes of Interest

Ashland Food Bank
Our neighborhood coordinators for the Ashland Food Bank are Tom and Patti Jacobson. Please consider donating, if you don't already.  More and more people are in need of what the food bank offers. Learn about the Ashland Food Bank and how to donate financially. To donate goods on pickup days, contact the Jacobsons at [email protected]

Pet Owners
If you own a dog, please know that Ashland City Ordinances require that, when walking your dog, your dog must be on a leash of no longer than 6 feet, and you must clean up all dog waste and take it with you.
Click here to see the Leash Law Ordinance
Click here to see the Dog Waste Ordinance
Also, cats are not allowed to run free per our HOA CC&Rs. They must be kept indoors or walked on a leash. It is also best for your cat(s).  Click here to see the Humane Society's comparison of indoor vs. outdoor cats.
Please help to keep your pets safe, our neighborhood beautiful, and wildlife safe.
Trash Collection
Residents should place garbage cans at the curb on Monday morning when possible due to several recent incidents where trash was scattered around garbage cans left standing out at night. The empty trash and recycling containers should be taken in as soon as possible.  (CC&R's — Article VII, Section 14)
Map of Community Addresses, Water, Gas Locations
Click here for a map of our community.